The gardening experts

Guide for gardening in Sydney's droughts

One of the most challenging things faced by residents of Sydney, who care about their laws and gardens, is the maintenance of their lawns during a drought. The worst nightmare of any garden caretaker is a hot dry season of drought where there is shortage of water. Hot and dry weather conditions in any region can affect the life of lawn caretakers and garden lovers. A drought can affect the landscape of any particular area in many different ways.  One can do nothing to prevent a drought from coming and shaking or destroying his or her hard work in a matter of days. 

However, there are certain techniques which can help lawn owners and garden lovers in Sydney to minimize the damage caused during a drought. Working smartly in a strategic manner can resolve many of your issues when a hot dry season in Sydney is on its way.  

We are here to help you prevent and minimize all the problems that rise during this hard time.  

Drought makes it nearly impossible for vegetation to grow because of lack of rains and the hot restless sun. A drought also adds in the local restrictions and laws which prevent you from watering your lawns and gardens by imposing a certain limit on the use of water for these purposes. When all these factors are imposed simultaneously, it is highly likely that a garden lover would be terrified. In such scenarios you are left with nothing but a Sahara like barren lawn with no vegetation.    

However, there is good news because We are here to help you minimize all these problems so that you can retain months of your hard work. 

Check out the 5 most useful lawn maintenance strategies listed below to save your garden during a drought in Sydney:


One of the most important things that you can do during a drought is to put a layer of Mulch on your garden’s soil during dry and hot weather conditions, all gardeners in Sydney should ensure they do this even in winter. The use of mulch can help the soil of your ground to stay at lower temperatures. This will protect your lawn from the intense heat during a drought. The layer of mulch should be around 2-3 inches thick. This layer also prevents harsh sun rays from destroying your soil. 

Another important reason for using mulch during a drought is that it prevents the soil from dehydration. The function of mulch is to keep the soil hydrated for a longer period of time. So, when your lawn is watered, the presence of mulch would keep that water in the soil for a longer period of time.

Introducing an irrigation system

There is always a shortage of water even when there is no drought. So, adding a separate system of irrigation for your lawn is a must thing for a garden lover living in Sydney. Watering your plants on time is one of the key factors which can either make or break your gardens. Supply of water is very limited during such seasons, so one should also know what kind of plants need how much water. Wasting your water by equally distributing it among all the plants is also a very big mistake. 

The solution to this problem is installation of a drip irrigation system for your lawns in Sydney. This will allow you to monitor the flow of water and will help you track which plants need more water. With the help of this system, there is a slow and steady stream of water covering a large area. This system will not only help you in tracking your water consumption but also save the usage of water because this irrigation system saves up to 50% of water than regular systems. 

Drought tolerant plants

A wise lawn care taker would always plan those things in his or her lawn which are better suitable for harsh and hot weather conditions. In a place like Sydney, this strategy is very helpful during a drought. 

Following are some of the drought tolerant plants which a lawn owner must know:

• Oregano

• Tea Tree

• Rosemary

• Bottle brush

• Quandong

• Santolina

• Lavender

• Sage

• Thyme

• Proteas

• Bougainvillea

• Kangaroo Paw

• Aloevera

• Sedum etc.

Water in the early mornings

Another important practice is to water your lawns and gardens during a time when the temperature of the environment is relatively low. This is usually during early morning or nights. When this thing is practiced, the soil of the garden is already cool and it stays hydrated for a longer period of time through more water retention. 

5. Use recycled indoor water

Fifth most important tip is the use of recycled water for your lawns. If you are living indoors then the waste water from your kitchen can easily be used for your lawn if recycled properly. A pitcher or bowl of water which is unused can also be used to water your plants. You can also allocate a proper pitcher in your kitchen for water. 

Droughts are nonetheless a big nightmare for lawn owners in Sydney which destroy months of your hard work in a matter of a few days. But this problem can be tackled by working smartly in such a season. If you live at a place like this where droughts are regular then you must follow all the above-mentioned strategies on time in order to save your gardens. This problem is not as big as it should be because through intelligent management one can easily save his or her lawn from the dry heat of sun in a drought with minimal water.