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Summer gardening guide for Sydney​


Sydney’s climate offers an abundance of gardening possabilities and we all have the opportunity to begin growing a wide variety of different plants and vegetables. The summer months can vary in a number of ways, from hot and dry to hot and humid with sparse but dense rainfalls. Gardening in the summer climate can pose a challenge for a lot of green thumbs. Summer can bring with it huge harvests and doing it right will mean you can reap some abundant harvests. What we grow depends on us for hydration and keeping it protected all year round, it’s not always easy, if you possess the correct knowledge, Sydney’s summer months won’t be a problem. In this guide we’ll show you how you can find some success gardening in Sydney’s summers.



Maintain your water schedule

This is an obvious one but far too many people don’t commit to hydrating their garden and it soon withers under the heat of Australia’s sun. This regular garden maintenance is essential for your vegetable’s success. Watering in the summer months of Sydney must be a top priority if you’re to reap an abundant harvest. Installing an irrigation system makes this process far easier and less time consuming. It means you won’t skip out on watering your plants some days, because who wants to tend their garden when it’s 40 degrees out. 



Improve your gardens soil quality and moisture

Strong heat can take a serious toll on your garden’s soil quality, things such as composting or organic fertilizers can maintain the important nutrients that your garden’s soil might lose under the sun. Mulching is super important to maintain the moisture in the soil, spread about one inch of mulch over the top of the soil bed to prevent weeds and maintain soil moisture. A granular wetting agent can be effective if you spread it around the base of your plants which will maintain the moisture in and around their roots. In hot summers soil moisture can be the success or death of your garden, make sure to regularly water twice a day so that the soil can stay moist for your plants. Morning and evening waters are ideal and shouldn’t take too long. If the days heat hasn’t subsided remember to water the soil and roots, not the plant itself.



Avoid wilting plants

In hot days you won’t be able to avoid wilting plants entirely but many gardeners make it worse by spraying the actual leaves of the plant. The water that stays on the leaves act as a magnifying glass which can actually burn and damage the plant you’re trying to help. That’s why it’s always good to begin watering early morning and late evening when the sun isn’t so strong. 



Stop fertilizing in heat waves

In summer the plants in your garden aren’t looking for extra nutrients, they’re focused on surviving Sydney’s heat. Adding extra nutrients to your plants when it’s not needed will add further stress . Wait until a heat wave has subsided before you begin adding new nutrients.



Use the summer months to grow an abundance of vegetables

Vegetable gardening is far easier in the summer months of Sydney’s climate compared to the winter. Sydney Gardeners should all take advantage of the warmer weather and begin growing all the vegetables they possibly can. Vegetable gardening can also be a new hobby instead of just maintenance around the house. Here are some of the best vegetables you can grow in the summer months.


  • lant beans (dwarf and climbing)
  • Beetroot
  • Broccoli 
  • Cabbage 
  • Capsicum 
  • Carrot 
  • Cauliflower
  • Celery
  • Chicory
  • Chilli
  • Chinese cabbage
  • Cucumber
  • Eggplant
  • endive
  • Kohlrabi
  • Leek
  • Lettuce
  • Okra
  • Parsnip
  • Potato (tubers)
  • Radish
  • Rhubarb (crowns)
  • Shallots
  • Silver beet
  • Spring onion
  • Sweet corn
  • Sweet potato
  • Zucchini.


Don’t overcook your garden

In the summer, Pots plants that are left out outside for long periods of time under the sun can actually cause some serious damage to the plant. Make a habit of putting your pot plant in areas where they won’t receive sunlight for the entire day. Five to six hours is more than enough for anything grow. Too much heat can negatively affect the plant’s root and stunt the entire growth. Using pot plants inside or in living areas is probably your best bet and to not avoid any weiltering or dead growth. 



Avoid Mildew by watering early

Mildew and fungi can attack the leaves of your garden especially if you water late in the evening. Giving the water time to dry off rather than sit on the plant for long periods of time will prevent a variety of problems down the road. If you water in the mornings the risk of Mildew or Fungi attacking your plants are greatly reduced. Mildew will frequently attack Cucumber, Melon, Zucchini, Pumpkin and Roses.



Pests and diseases in Sydney’s summers

The summer months in Sydney are notorious for all the different insect pests that can run rampant in your garden. If you haven’t already taken preventive measures to stop insect pests, either by companion planting, a variety of pests control sprays. You can purchase these sprays or create them yourself. Make sure to rotate your crops so that insect pests don’t get used to the same plants year after year in your garden. 



Keep your lawn long and lush

The biggest mistake beginner gardeners make is cutting their lawns to low in Sydney’s summer months. The cause of Weed infested, brown bare lawns is scalping or cutting the lawn too low, a thick lawn will prevent weed species from growing and keep it lush and strong even in the heat. When the winter months eventually do arrive, this is when you can begin cutting the lawn back as weeds will not be so apparent and it’s easier for the lawn to stay lush and healthy with the added moisture and reduced heat. 


No matter who you are, gardening in Sydney’s summer isn’t a problem if you follow some simple steps and don’t cut corners. Sydney provides some of the best areas to garden all year round. So give it a go today, or you can contact us and we’ll do the work for you.